Friday, July 28, 2006

28 July 2006 Friday's Photo of the Week

JAYWALKING (Pedestrians)

I actually would start a pedestrians series in December 2005 during the first snow storm when I positioned myself at the intersection of Connectiocut Avenue and K Street just outside of the Farragut North Station capturing pedestrians milling about the street through the snow and rain mixture. I would return to the same location during the 2nd and 3rd snows, each time walking north to Dupont Circle and then back again and then reboarding the subway at Farrragut North Station for my return trip home.

A few weeks ago when I got caught in the rain, twice in the same week and over as many days while standing under a bus stop on Connecticut Avenue and N Street on the first day and then under the courtyard at 1350 Connecticut Avenue, just south of Dupont Circle, on the second day I would capture folks that were caught in the rain, milling about in the streets, some with umbrellas. Many who jaywalked. It was then that Jay Leno's Jay Walking series would come to mind and the birth of the my now ongoing Jay Walking (Pedestrians) Project. Which has less to do with "jaywalking" and everything to do with "capturing moments in time that can not ever be again!".

Though the project would first begin at the intersection of Connecticut Avenue and K Street I have since positioned myself at other locations along Connecticut Avenue, namely at Connecticut and L and Connecticut and N as well as in the courtyard at 1350 Connecticut Avenue.

And then, last Thursday, I'd began a Jay Walking series along 14th Street, in the Logan Circle area. At first at 14th and P Streets and then at 14th and Rhode Island Avenue.

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