So when passing through Dupont Circle on Wednesday afternoon, 2 July 2008, that he suggested that I return with him to his art studio / apartment in Georgetown to view and discuss his "What's Inside The Pants?" collection which he is currently in negotiations with galleries in NYC, the Hamptons, Boston, Dallas, and Houston for future exhibitions ... after joking that I've heard that "... come up and see my etchings ..." line before we took a leisure walk from the Dupont Circle, west on P Street to the rear of his apartment building in the 2500 block of P Street, NW.
During which time he told me a little more about himself. Now 69, originally from Switzerland, when Werner Jampen moved to WDC from NYC in 1972, one of his first exhibitions in WDC was at the Swiss Embassy. Which is where he has exhibited many times, over the years. As well as at other locations throughout the city.
It was also during our walk along P Street that he mentioned that he was in negotiations with the Leslie Lohman Gay Art Foundation in Soho NYC and several galleries in Dallas and Houston TX, including the Main Contemporary Gallery for future exhibitions.
Nearing the rear of his building on P Street he told me of Finnish photographer, Karl Sonio, who held an exhibition of 'out of focus' images projected onto mirrors and glass ... as a means by which to express the fact that the creation of art does not always have be an expensive production but can come from the simpless of the things in life.
And, as an example of his creating art from the simpless of things, once inside his artist studio / apartment, the first works that Werner showed me was his newly started project that involves pouring a small amount of water onto a collage of tissue paper or paper towels that have been embedded into the back of a plastic picture frame that onced dried will then serve as the canvas as well as frame for an abstract oil-painted work of art.
And though I did not photograph nor video-tape the first few minutes of the impromptu get-together in the process of him showing me not only his large collection of "What's Inside The Pants" series but other collections as well ... since such documentation of an artist in his /her studio is amongst my ongoing themes, particularly, when it is my intent to refer the artist to galleries or collectors ... I insisted that I video-tape as much of my visit as possible with him discussing his art.
Currently in the final stages of negotiation with The Main Contemporary Gallery for exclusive representation and exhibition rights to his work in the Dallas and North Texas markets an in discussions with the Leslie/Lohman Gallery in SoHo NYC for future exhibitions, Werner Jampen will be traveling this summer to NYC, The Hamptons, Boston, Houston and Dallas for summer 2008 exhibitons and to finalize plans for future ones.
Having founded the Werner Jamper Foundation in 2007 which will curate his large collection as well as develop creative avenues by which the work of unknown but talented artists may be introduced to the world, Werner Jampen can be reached by telephone at 202-965-1503.
To get a glimpse of what's inside of Werner Jampen's pants ... you, simply MUST, FIRST, EXPERIENCE HIS ART!
While "What's Inside The Pants" derived from his fascination with Texas, as you can see, Werner Jampen's art and exploration of powerful and provocative themes has no bounds.
Drawing on Nina Simone's "Strange Fruit" and through paintings depciting 'racial themes' he's currently in the process of a series that will speak on the issue of lynching!
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