Which, as a result of my research last night, I now realize that what for many years I regarded as one marina the Southwest Waterfront marina, located in the Washington Channel, actually, consists of three different marinas, if you don't include James Creek Marina. Which is situated across the channel between the War College at Fort McNair and the U.S. Coast Guard.
The Southwest Waterfront Marina(s) complex, located along Water Street and Maine Avenue in SW, consists of the Gangplank Marina at 600 Water Street, the Capital Yacht Club at 1000 Water Street, and the Washington Marina at 1300 Maine Avenue, SW.
Which brings me back to the real purpose for this posting.
One of the main reasons that I take photo walks is to learn more about my surroundings and history. Which, always, involves a great deal of research once I get home and sometimes visits to the library or contacting other sources for information.
As was the case when on Tuesday that I came across a sign pertaining to the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail.
Without skipping a beat and while snapping pictures of bicyclists along Maine Avenue, my first thought was "the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail will definately be one of my Spring 2007 photo walk projects. Which I'm sure will take me across the South Capitol Street Bridge affording me the opportunity to gather more great historic shots of the construction of Washington Nationals Ballpark.
It was during my research, last night, that I learned more about the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail. And, the fact that there are three different marinas at the Southwest Waterfront Marina complex. Which, effective immediately, I will now curate as three seperate, but respective, photosets - beginning with images that I took on Tuesday, 27 March 2007 of the Washington Marina.
Click above photo to view my newly launched Anacostia Riverwalk Trail photoset.
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