An online magazine that celebrates the independent artist and the Do-It-Yourself spirit, founders / editors Deb and Wendy launched their first issue in February with a focus of NYC, of course. A second issue published in July focused on New Orleans.
Released on 6 October 2008, the third issue highlights WDC.
Click the cover below to read the DIY City Mag E-News dated 10 October 2008 informing me of the October issue of DIY City Mag DC.
You will find my Secondi Consignment Clothing image on the Flickr Contributors and Fav Vintage & Thrift Stores pages.
Also of note are featured articles on Scenic Artisans' Sean Hennessey who since our first encounter during the 2006 Downtown Holiday Market I have made a point to keep abreast of his work and Mike Berman of Diverse Markets Managment who since the 2005 Downtown Holiday Market I have reported on many times.
Bead Designer Alan Covert who I always enjoy running into at Eastern Market or the many other Diverse Markets Management events that we have encountered each other ... is also featured.
DIY City Mag is an EXCELLENT ONLINE publication and one that I think deserves some recognition! I think I'll shoot an email off to Martha Stewart.
Take a look at the DYI City Mag DC October 2008 issue and I'm sure that you will agree.
And here are the February 2008 NYC and July 2008 New Orleans issues as well.