Though I first reported on Justin Sailor's Hometown Invasion Tour on 4 September 2006 which, officially, began in Milwaukee on 10 September this is my first posting since. Having included one of his promotional logos on my blog Justin informs me that some confusion resulted in the reporting of his website's stats so for now I have removed his logo from my blog but will add it later once the bugs have been ironed out.
In the meantime and so as to bring attention to his journey and which, from the start, is something that I had hoped to do, on an ongoing but periodic basis I will post updates to my blog pertaining to Bugsby's Hometown Invasion Tour. This represents the first but, actually, second installment.
The above photo was taken on Halloween, 31 October, in Boise Idaho at Merritt’s Country CafĂ© during which time Busby reports that though it was his Best Day Ever "The sad part was when we were all singing a country song [that] two punk guys a few booths away who shouted 'What a gay song,' [and] when it ended ... then called Joey a 'fagot' on the way out ...".
While I applaud and support Justin's tour if I were to drive across the country in a jeep not only would I be stopped for DWI at most places along the way but it is quite possible that I would be lynched, in towns such as Boise.
On 2 November Busby reports that "This trip is like nothing I’ve ever read, heard, experienced, or even dreamed about. I’m 62 days and 9 stats into the trip. I have 303 days and 41 states to go. Something about this week in Boise made me sit back and look at the big picture, which might be dangerous ...”.
nice post elvert! we'll definitely have to catch up when I make it to DC. keep up the great blog and photos and there should be some great news for my trip in the next month or so.