Wednesday, August 23, 2006

14th Street Historic District

Not to be confused with 14th Street Heights and though now in alliance with the U Street Historic District the 14th Street Historic District is roughly bounded by S St., NW on the north; 11th and 12th Sts., NW on the east; N and O Sts., NW on the south; and the 16th St. Historic District on the west.

And while the 14th Street Heights is listed on the DC Main Street web page, the 14th and U Main Street Alliance is not . Nor is the North Capitol Main Street Inc. Perhaps, because they are still in the developmental stages.

The DC Main Streets program was created in 2002 to support the establishment and implementation of lasting, comprehensive revitalization initiatives in DC’s traditional neighborhood business districts. DC Main Streets' goal is to support retail investment in the District through the retention and expansion of existing businesses and the recruitment of new businesses. DC Main Streets provides five years of comprehensive technical and financial assistance to local Main Street programs, which are competitively selected and organized by local volunteers and community development professionals.

The DC Main Streets program is based on the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s nationally proven model, which includes work in the areas of organization of commercial revitalization efforts, promotion of neighborhood businesses and business districts, design (physical environment) and economic restructuring (business and property development). The Main Streets approach provides local organizations with a mechanism to manage their neighborhood commercial districts and a structure to implement commercial revitalization activities that will achieve the stakeholders’ goals for the commercial district.

There are ten active DC Main Streets programs: 14th Street Heights, Adams Morgan, Anacostia, Barracks Row (8th St SE), Brookland, Dupont Circle, GATEWAY Georgia Avenue, H Street NE, Mount Pleasant and Shaw.

For additional information, please contact the office of reSTORE DC at (202) 478-1356.

For a more complete list of Washington DC neighborhoods and neigborhood organizations visit H-Net.

Labor Day weekend 2006 represents the second year anniversary of my Main Streets America Project. January 2006 would gave way to my 14th Street Windows and 14th Street Home Furnishing Store projects.

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