Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My "I Will Survive" House Mix Celebrates 20th DC Black Pride

With the 2010 Memorial Day Weekend representing the 20th Anniversary of DC Black Pride my May 2010 "I Will Survive" house mix not only serves as a musical tribute to the Club House but, in connection with my ongoing "This Is For The Black Men ..." docu-project speaks to my life experiences as an openly gay black man who for more than 40 years practiced integration.

While during my first stay in NYC from September 1980 through February 1982 I was more likely to party at The Saint it was during my second stay in NYC from March 1984 through November 1984 that as a result of a close friendship with Robert Cromwell that the Paradise Garage became a favorite dance club as well.

Somewhere along the way I also became friends with Richard Long who not only designed the sound system at the Garage but also that of the Club House in Washington DC.

After returning to DC in late 1984, it was in the spring of 1985 which was when I moved to 1320 Q Street, NW, Washington DC that the Club House became a frequent weekend party place for me.

Click the cd cover to listen to and/or download the May 2010 "I Will Survive" house music mix podcast which features this track list.

"Breathe" was my 2009 Memorial Day Weekend mix.

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