Thursday, January 08, 2009

89 year old Drag King Storme Delarverie threatened with eviction

In an email that I received yesterday from Debbie and Ed Hamilton of Living With Legends Hotel Chelsea Blog they ask that I assist in getting the word out regarding Chelsea Hotel's minority shareholder David Elder and Manager Andrew Tilley underhanded attempts to evict 89 year old Drag King Storme Delarverie.

In addition to links that you'll find in the Monday, 5 January 2009 Living With Legend's Hotel Chelsea Blog posting regarding Storme's history here are others at Google search.

The above promo photo is from Storme: The Lady of the Jewel Box, a WOMEN MAKE MOVIES documentary film by Michelle Parkerson.

While you can keep informed of current happenings at the Chelsea Hotel by visting the Living With Legends Hotel Chelsea Blog Ed Hamilton's book Legends of the Chelsea Hotel: Living with Artists and Outlaws in New York's Rebel Mecca will provide insight into its history.


  1. Is there an update on this? I met Miss Storme while staying at The Chelsea last year and love her to pieces. She was so sweet to me and my daughter it pains me to think anyone would try to harm her in any way. Any additional information you have is greatly appreciated, links, blogs,anything.


    In this photo gallery from April 2010, Storme is held against her will at St. Vincent's Hospital -- before being transferred to a Brooklyn nursing home:

    Storme's current landlords -- the minority shareholders of the landmark Hotel Chelsea -- have made an underhanded power play for her Rent Stabilized apartment. While Storme has been held against her will, the contents of her apartment have been ransacked and tossed out like garbage.

    After 31 years Storme is one of the longest-tenured residents of the Hotel Chelsea as well as a LGBT icon, and she needs you to speak up on her behalf!

    Call, Write and express your support for Storme's prompt return home to her friends and family, where she is happiest. Storme is 89years old and the longer she remains in the strange confines of a nursing facility, the harder it will be for her to readjust to familiar surroundings.
