Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Step Up 2007's "National Day of Climate Action" Rally @ Gateway Park in Rosslyn

On Saturday afternoon, 14 April, I attended a Step Up 2007 "Creating A Climate of Change" Rally at Arlington's Gateway Park in Rosslyn VA which was one of 1300 such rallies held on the National Day of Climate Action.

Sponsored by the Sierra Club, Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment, Arlington Coalition for Sensible Transportation, and Coalition for Smarter Growth, with promotional support by 94.7 The Globe featured speakers included the following:

1. Congressman Jim Moran at 8th District of Virginia
2. Paul Ferguson - Arlington County Board Chairman
3. Lisa Renstrom - President of the Sierra Club
4. Scott Skalar - President of The Stella Group, Ltd.
5. Wendy Rieger - NBC4 Going Green Reporter
6. Jim Doughtery - ____
7. Martin Ogle - Event organizer and long-time advocate for energy and conservation
8. Miles Grant - Chair, Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment

Click photo of Martin Ogle to access my Step It Up 2007 - Global Warming Rally - Gateway Park . Arlington VA . 14 April 2007 photoset.

1 comment:

  1. Where's the love for The Green Miles? Just kidding, great photos, I posted a link to them over at my blog. Thanks for covering the rally!
