Friday, August 18, 2006

18 August 2006 Friday's Photo of the Week

My interest in architectural photography dates back to my fascination, as a young teen, with art deco and modernism. Which I had become aware of through books and magazines. And while my taste in architecture has matured, fluctuated, changed, and metamorphosised, over the years, my interest and facscination with art deco and modernism has only heightened. It was also when I was a young teen that I would learn of the architectural, cultural and historical contributions that Afro-Americans and Africans have made to the history of the world. Many whose styles, at the time, were rooted in art deco and modernism. While my fascination with architecture is not limited to the contributions made by Afro-Americans the fact that I learned at an early age that Afro-Americans had richly contributed to the fabric, infrastructure and soul of our society has played a most important in my personal growth, as a black male.

For many years, I have contemplated and spoken of photographing, documenting and capturing the art deco and modernism architecture along the New York Avenue corridor, mostly, in NE Washington DC. This Friday's Photo of the Week, taken on Wednesday night, 16 August 2006, of the former Greyhound Bus Terminal at 1100 New York Avenue though taken in NW attempts to 'kill two birds with one stone' ... and represents the beginning of my New York Avenue Corridor Art Deco & Modernism Architectural Project.

To learn more about art deco and modernism architectural in Washington DC visit the Art Deco Society of Washington.

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