The NoMa BID 2011 Free Summer Concert Series kicked-off yesterday when Quiet Fire (Soul Show) performed in front of Au Bon Pain at New York Avenue Metro Plaza at 2nd and N Streets in NE Washington DC.
Opening on 12 May and lasting through 11 August 2011, Rhythm In NoMa is a free lunchtime concert series that will feature a variety of local musicians and styles, from 11:30 am until 1;30 pm, at two different locations on Thursdays and Fridays.
The Thursday concerts at the New York Avenue Plaza which began yesterday, 12 May, will run through 11 August.
While the Friday (acoustic) concerts at Union Center Plaza (810 Frist Street, NE,) will run from 3 June through July 8.
Visit Rhythm In NoMa for details and schedule.
On fire for more than 15 years, Quiet Fire put on an excellent show during yesterday's concert.
Click the above image to view my 12 May 2011 Quiet Fire / Rhythm in NoMa photo album.
While my video clip #1/6 of their performance may be viewed at YouTube, the remaining 5 videos are on Flickr.