29 January 2010 Friday's Photo of the Week

click image
Untitled (1964) tinted glass and brass sculpture by Larry Bell
Hirshhorn Museum . Second Level . Washington DC
Sunday at the Museum, 24 January 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

L'Enfant Plaza's La Promenade Undergoes Renovation

Blogger DCMetrocentric has a great article on JBG's $40 million renovation of the La Promenade Shopping Mall at the L'Enfant Plaza Complex in SW Washington DC.

Click the image to view my L'Enfant Plaza Complex photo album.

The American Prayer Hour's 'counter demo' against The Family's National Prayer Breakfast in WDC

I just received an email alert from Alison Gardner of Full Equality Now DC regarding American Prayer Hour 'counter demonstrations' that will be held in cities throughout the country in protest against the 2 - 4 February 2010 The Family's National Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC which will include Uganda's Family members and supporters of what has become known as the "Kill The Gays" bill.

Visit The American Prayer Hour website to learn more about this historic call to action.

And, if you are in the WDC area, there will be a 7pm meeting tonight (Wednesday, 27 January 2010) at the Metropolitan Community Church at 474 Ridge Street in NW Washington DC to discuss plans and make signs for next week's two counter demonstrations in Washington DC.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My "You Are My Friend" Old School R&B Mix

A special mix celebrating the 50th birthday of a friend, Steve O'Toole, and reflecting music that friends and I danced to at the clubs in Washington DC and New York City during the 70's and 80's the January 2010 YOU ARE MY FRIEND mix features this old school R&B tracklist.

Click cd cover to listen to cloudcast.