The names of 358 law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty (181 during 2007) will be formally dedicated on the walls of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington DC on Tuesday evening, 13 May 2008, during the
20th Annual Candlelight Vigil.
U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey will deliver the keynote address and lead the lighting of candles and reading of the names of the fallen officers. In addition to the 181 officers who died in line of duty during 2007, 177 officers who died in previous years but whose deaths had been lost to history will be dedicated on the Memorial.
Read the
NLEOMF Press Release for details. Keep abreast of National Police Week events or cancellations due to weather conditions by visiting
the blog.
Click image to view
2001 National Police Week never before seen images of the
13th Annual Candlelight Vigil at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial.