Friday, January 04, 2008

Paladino Casting Call for BMXers & 'freelance' X-treme Sports Videographers in the WDC area

I received an email yesterday in my YouTube account from Emily Derr of Paladino Casting pertaining to a casting project for the Reebok website.

Paladino Casting is in search of people with interesting and unusual athletic skills, in particular, BMXers and 'freelance' extreme sports videographers in NYC, WDC and Barcelona who would be interested in having their images and/or videography featured on the Reebok website.

Based in NYC, Paladino Casting is currently making plans to visit WDC in the next few weeks for the purpose of scouting 'potential' subjects. While Paladino Casting hopes to spend a day or more videotaping and photographing BMXers in action at various locations in the metropolitan area - interested BMXers and 'freelance' x-treme sports videographers may also upload their projects to YouTube.

While union members or those under contract are welcomed to inquire and will may will be accepted, this particular project may be better suited for those who are non-union or are not under any specific contract.

In any case, it is important to obatain a signed model release from any subject and/or videographer involved in the project.

Contemplating visiting WDC next weekend or, perhaps, the weekend after ... Kristen Paladino has asked for my assistance in connecting her with BMXers and those who videotape them in the WDC area. However, since the cold weather is setting in and the BMXers (mostly from the suburbs) that I am familiar with frequent Penn Quarter, Navy Memorial, Freedom Plaza and Shaw Skate Park & Recreation Center in WDC it was my suggestion that she wait until the weather is warmer.

From conversations that I have had with the various BMXers, over the years, there are several BMX locations out in the suburbs that I have never visited.

So, if you are a BMXer or a 'freelance' x-treme sports videographer in the WDC area and wish to inquire further regarding this Paladino Casting project please telephone 212-741-2224. Or email Kristen Paladino at or Emily Derr at

In addition to that which you'll find at the Paladino Casting website here is a link to information pertaining to Kristen Paladino's casting background.

Click the above image of BMXer Eric, from Fairfax VA, to view my BMX - Penn Quarter photoset.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Photographer Gerald Mocarsky's "Men Who Dance With Men" featured in January 2008 IN THE LIFE "Wide Stance" Episode

In the "IN THE LIFE" January Program Alert I learn of photographer Gerald Mocarsky whose "Men Who Dance With Men" historiographic project captures provocative images of men dancing together. From socials for senior citizens to ballet and hip-hop dancing, he uses his art to celebrate the honesty and beauty of coming to terms with oneself.

When viewing the JANUARY 2008 - WIDE STANCE video and then Mocarsky's website I was glad to observe another photographer who has similar interest and foci as I.

While my ongoing "And Without Apologies", "Out In The Life", and "Dancing The Night Away" series and Winter Party Festival 2007 Beach Party and 2005 Manhunt Pool Party collections attempt to document and celebrate 'gay life' my Movement Choreophotography Project captures folks of any and all sexual orientations, religious affiliations and political persuasion including those at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival, in Dupont Circle, at Malcolm X. Park and the Black Family Renion or the Downtown Holiday Market 'dancing in the street'.

When observing Mocarsky in action on the WIDE STANCE video and viewing his work at his website ... I said to myself "George, I know exactly what it is that you are doing because I, too, have the same interests and similar foci.

IN THE LIFE's January episode, Wide Stance, features a diverse collection of stories, from a look at a film that examines biblical language about homosexuality, to a photo essay of men dancing together. We'll hear what it's like to be a gay rapper, take an unflinching and historical look at public sex and entrapment, through the lens of the Senator Larry Craig scandal. Throughout the show, the ever-controversial Margaret Cho, and lesbian comic Kate Clinton, go head-to-head in conversation.

To see when IN THE LIFE airs in your area, visit the Show Schedule finder.